November 13-19, 2022

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Electroporation-Based Technologies and Treatments



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Practical work:

You will be able to choose practical work sessions only after you have paid the registration fee and have passed the laboratory safety test. Your chosen practical work preferences will be taken into account, until the places for practical work sessions are filled. Sessions with a limited number of participants will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis. Please be sure to mark all practical work sessions by priority, as practical work sessions have limited number of participants, therefore it's possible that your second or third choice will be considered instead of your first one.

Laboratory safety test:

S1 - Laboratory safety

S2 - Electroporation hardware safety

You will be able to take laboratory safety test and select practical work sessions in e-learning platform after registration. You should receive an e-mail with instructions how to access the e-learning platform.

Below you can find a list of this year practical work sessions. Due to the hybrid nature of 2022 edition of EBTT, we are offering on-site practical work sessions as well as interactive online training sessions for those who are participating EBTT online.

List of exercises:

Laboratory exercises:

L1 - The influence of Mg2+ ions on gene electotransfer efficiency

L2 - Monitoring cell membrane electroporation with ratiometric fluorescent dye Fura-2AM

L3 - Visualisation of local ablation zone distribution between two needle electrodes

L4 - Effect of short high-frequency bipolar pulses on plasma membrane permeabilization

L5 - Electrotransformation of Escherichia coli with plasmid DNA

L6 - Electroporation of planar lipid bilayers

L7 - E. coli inactivation by pulsed electric fields in a continuous flow system

L8 - Analysis of electric field orientations on gene electrotransfer – visualization at the membrane level

L9 - Comparison of flow cytometry and spectrofluorometric measurements in cell permeabilization experiments

L10 - Monitoring of electric field distribution in biological tissue by means of magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography

L11 - Measurements of the induced transmembrane voltage with fluorescent dye di-8-ANEPPS

L12 - Analysis of electric field orientations on gene electrotransfer efficiency

L13 - Monitoring cell membrane depolarization due to electroporation using fluorescent plasma membrane potential indicator

L14 - Impedance and texture analysis techniques for detecting and characterising electroporation in plant tissues

Computer modeling:

C1 - Treatment planning for electrochemotherapy and irreversible electroporation: optimization of voltage and electrode position

C2 - Numerical Modeling of Thermal Effects during Irreversible Electroporation Treatments

C3 - Molecular dynamics simulations of membrane electroporation

Hardware development and measurement:

H1 - Measurement of electroporation pulses with oscilloscope, and voltage and current probes

H2 - Development of pulsed power generators for electroporation


E1 - Electroporation of cells and tissues - interactive e-learning